
Showing posts from June 10, 2019

Chance: Chapter Eleven - The inexplicable

Chapter Eleven Mahmood and Waleeda waited anxiously for the future son-in-law to come and meet their daughter after the rough encounter they’d had. But a couple of weeks went by without any visit or call from them. Mahmood was too ashamed to call them on his own as he viewed what Alaya did as a total ‘disgrace.’ Alaya on the other hand was not sure how to feel about what was going on. She was actually quite busy with her final A level exams to be thinking about her future marriage. At times while studying, she’d think what kind of a mentality Layaan must have to marry her while she was still a school girl. Not the kind she’d like for sure. Nonetheless Alaya was worried about her parents. No matter how much she despised them for what they had planned for her it still bothered her to see them worried. She hated herself for feeling that way but she couldn’t help it. She secretly wished for Layaan to come back faster so that his father could pay her father’s debts and she could