
Showing posts from March 11, 2019

Number detailed (part 2) English + Dhivehi

Number detailed (part 2) So today we will be looking at the remaining groups from the 6 plurals. Till now we looked at masculine plural, human feminine plural and non-human feminine. To understand the next two types of plurals, we need to understand the concept of ‘broken plurals’. What is a broken plural? Think of the normal way we make a word plural in English. The normal way of doing it is by adding an ‘s’. For example car becomes cars. Toy becomes toys. Tree becomes trees and so on. But then there are other words in English that change completely when we make them plural. Like mouse becomes mice. Tooth becomes teeth. Goose becomes geese and so on. Similarly there is a normal way in which we make a word plural in Arabic. And that is by adding OONA or EENA sound at the end of a masculine word, or by adding AATUN or AATIN sound to the end of a feminine word. Take a look at the examples below. مُسْلِمٌ------------------ مُسْلِمُوْنَ مُسْلِمَةٌ ---------     مُسْلِ