
Showing posts from June 7, 2019

Chance: Chapter Ten: Same destination

                   Alaya could not believe what she was hearing. Layaan’s father fought against Raphael’s business? Because Raphael apparently ‘stole’ to grow his business?! “Is this all true?” Alaya asked, out of the blue as the men were shaking their heads as though to ‘sympathize’ the business they were talking about. “Well yes Alaya. All of it happened just a week ago. The hotelier who managed all hotels of the company was badly coning another company to eventually take over it. But thankfully the small company’s manager had a talk with me and we fought against them. The CEO of the Lightspeed businesses wouldn’t take the blame on himself and put the blame on the manager of the department. Nonetheless, he was fined handsomely despite the great mind tricks he attempted to play….” Ahmed explained. “Pfftt… you call them great mind tricks dad? He almost got himself in jail. And you would know him Alaya. He studied with us in the same school. Remember the guy who